
Crescent Communities Hires Kyle Brock as Managing Director

Crescent Communities is pleased to announce the addition of Kyle Brock as Managing Director overseeing development for the Atlanta market. Previously, Brock led multifamily development in Atlanta and Tampa for Carter. Prior to his tenure with Carter, Brock spent nine years at Novare Group. As Senior Vice President, Finance, Brock led development and financing efforts on several condominium and high-rise rental developments across the Southeast and Texas.


Mayor Kasim Reed Advances $380 Million in New Transportation Infrastructure Spending...

Mayor Kasim Reed announced today that the Atlanta City Council has voted 13 to 1 to approve a measure to put a special local option sales tax (TSPLOST) referendum on the November ballot to fund transportation related infrastructure projects throughout the City of Atlanta. The ballot referendum will ask Atlanta voters to authorize a 0.4 percent sales tax increase for a five-year period. The TSPLOST is projected to generate approximately $260 million, which will be leveraged to generate additional matching funds.


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